Unauthorized use of this material is strictly prohibited. This Tribute is not officially endorsed or authorized by Glenn Close. Glenn Close pictured (left) in Fatal Attraction '1- Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)2- Warcraft (2016)3- Hook (1991)4- Mars Attacks (1996)5- Tarzan (1999)' yellowhair posted a video 2 months ago. She said some day years from now someone will see her star and say "Glenn Close? Glenn Close? Oh yeah HE was good." Glenn Close - With elegantly aristocratic features and a career marked by versatility and critical acclaim, Glenn Close is one of Hollywoods most celebrated actresses. Glenn Close was first to be honored in 2009 with a star on The Hollywood Walk of Fame. She played Evelyn Baker Lang, a nominee for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. that Glenn Close also appeared on a season five episode of the political drama West Wing called The Supremes. She played a famous photographer named "Fran Lieber" (get it?). that Glenn Close made a guest appearance on the fourth season of the popular sitcom Will & Grace. that Glenn Close appeared on Sesame Street discussing anger management with Oscar the Grouch. She has started a website called Fetchdog where part of the proceeds are donated to animal charities.

that Glenn Close is no Cruella De Vil in real life. Despite a mere five year age difference, she was cast as Robin Williams' quirky mother. that Glenn made her film debut in The World According to Garp. And here's a clip from her Norma Desmond performance: We have all of Glenn Close's music albums in our Glenn Close Music Store. that Glenn Close has a beautiful singing voice which was evident when she took over the role of Norma Desmond in Andrew Lloyd Webber's stage production of Billy Wilder's classic tragedy Sunset Boulevard. She played one of the bearded male pirates on Captain Hook's ship. Glenn Close (born March 19, 1947) is an American actress. that Glenn Close made a brief cameo in Steven Spielberg's Hook. When actress Andie MacDowell could not rid herself of her Southern accent for her part as the very English "Jane" in Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes the producers brought in Glenn Close to overdub every single line of Andie's dialog in the movie. But that wasn't the only Tarzan related voice work that Glenn Close performed in her career.

Glenn Close provided the voice of Kala, Tarzan's ape mother in the Disney version of Tarzan. This is the section for all our "FUN" Glenn Close information - please enjoy! Glenn Close Career and Biography Facts and Features | Destination Hollywood Tribute