Indian bounty hunters, fallen priests, and all manner of prairie villains will come before your gang of gunslingers and you’ll need tight tactics to come out on top. You’ll recruit a number of authentic feeling characters to your posse along the way, including an undead cowboy who just wants to get back into his grave (the ghost train has a nasty habit of waking the dead).
But even if you’re not a horror movie addict there’s plenty to enjoy here as the game does a surprisingly good job of balancing the classic western revenge story with a ghostly tall tale. My personal favorite will always be the Undead Nightmare DLC for Red Dead Redemption (we really need that DLC for part 2). West of Dead is a great twist on the roguelike genre. The “horror western” seems to have its own thriving subgenre of late with Weird West out now and the forthcoming Evil West due out this year. You’ll need to bring your posse back together, hunt the ghost train, and hand Mammon a one way ticket back to the netherrealm. Gin and his compadres run afoul of the train’s conductor, a demon named Mammon, who scatters the group to the winds. What begins as a run of the mill train robbery becomes something far more sinister as the crew discover they’ve unwittingly boarded a ghost train. The story focuses on Gin Carter and his gang of desperados. While not a carbon copy of X-Com, it brings enough wild west charm and decent enough writing to entice any garden variety gamer as well as hardcore fans of the genre.
The simplified mechanics and tactical depth also free up valuable resources that can be poured into writing, artwork, and other bells and whistles most modern games need in order to pass muster.Īnd Hard West 2 is a fine example of the modern turn-based combat game. The by now perfected mechanics of the genre have become a solid source of inspiration for many indie developers for whom a blockbuster AAA FPS is just not in financial reach to make. And it had been a long time since turn-based combat games - outside of JRPGs anyway - attracted any attention in the mainstream. Formats of yesteryear were getting a fresh coat of paint and upgraded mechanics, everything from side-scrollers to platformers were being reborn onto new hardware. When X-Com was rebooted in 2012 it was something of a moment in gaming.